About me & Evolution

 Hi I'm Ameyali or Ame either one works 

    I hope everyone had a good summer. This summer I started a mini garden, and so far my Sunflower bloomed but still waiting on the cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers. Something I learned from this week's materials was that the stegosaurus lived before the T-rex.   


  1. I used to help my grandparents with their garden when I was younger it was a lot of fun. Hopefully your garden goes great!

  2. I love that you started growing your own vegetables. I hope that they grow nice and big!

  3. Hi Ameyali,
    I had a great summer, thank you! I'm glad to see that yours looked like it was awesome! I have been wanting to grow a garden for so long, you will have to give us tips on how to stay motivated enough to take proper care of what we are growing!! I also didn't know that the stegosaurus lived before the T-rex did, it was a shock for sure!


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